November is the time to get busy planting with some colour, mulching those garden beds and maintaining that lawn so the house looks great for the festive season.
Your trees, shrubs, perennials, and seasonal annuals should all be flowering, your fruit trees and vegetables should be showing promise of crops to come, Your lawn should be lush and green by this stage. If you are planning on laying a new lawn, it’s best to do this before it gets too dry.
Make sure you keep all your newly planted trees, shrubs and plants well-watered during dry spells, especially when they are freshly planted, and add some Wonder Waterwise Crystals to help with water retention within the soil.
- Look at replacing those tired spring annuals with some bright summer colour, there is loads to choose from at Tuingenoot.
- Fill those gaps in the beds with summer flowering plants that’ll keep blooming through to autumn. For the sunny spot choose things like petunias, dianthus, alyssum, zinnias, ageratum, gaillardia, hollyhocks, lobelias, portulacas, salvias and verbenas. And in the semi-shaded areas try begonias, impatiens and coleus.
- One should look at fertilising their roses again with a quality rose food like Flower power or Wonder Colourburst Rose Food. Keep deadheading and feeding your roses to encourage new growth for the next flush in January.
- Why not plant colourful annuals in those containers for decorating your summer entertainment areas.
- Be on the look out for sucking insects on your azaleas and use Efekto Insecticide Granules Plus if you have any pests.
- Fertilise of your plants this month will go a long way, with a balanced 2:3:2 it will help take your garden to the next level.
- Why not dig Wonder Waterwise Crystals into the soil before planting up those hanging baskets, this will help retain some of the moisture in those thirsty baskets.
- Broadleaf weeds and grasses are a common problem on hard surfaces. Spray No more weeds or Efekto Clear UP or Efekto No Weed Paving RTU on existing weeds.
- If you have hydrangeas be sure to apply a final blueing or pinking agent to the soil before they go into flower.
- Plant out amaryllis bulbs now for flowers at Christmas as they can take about six weeks to flower.
- Look at feeding your winter-flowering indigenous daisies like osteospermum; divide and replant those that have outgrown their space. Feed summer bulbs, like, agapanthus, day and Inca lilies and dahlias regularly.
- Trim all those topiary trees and hedges which have put on their spring growth spurt.
- Be sure to remove the shoots on variegated shrubs that have reverted to green, cut them back to the last node that had variegation.
For the kitchen gardener:
- Look at mulching your strawberries with wood shavings or straw.
- Feed your bananas and pawpaws every two weeks will help enhance the strength and yeild of your plant.
- You can still sow parsley seeds; try refrigerate it for a few days first to speed up the germination.
- Constantly nip out the tips of your basil for bushier plants, and try plant them next to your tomatoes for added flavor from both plants.
- Feed those green peppers regularly and keep them well watered to ensure they’ll produce crisp, tasty fruit.
- Continuously pick baby marrows to prevent them growing too big and becoming watery and tasteless.
For the time-pressed gardener:
- Reset your watering system’s computer to suit the seasonal weather.
- Feed the garden with slow-release fertiliser as this way you only need do it two to three times a year. Give a high-nitrogen food to leafy vegetables and foliage plants like lettuce, and Swiss chard; flowering and fruiting plants and root veggies need a more balanced fertiliser like 3:1:5 or 2:3:4.
Lawn care
- There is nothing more rewarding than a lush, thick green lawn. If your lawn feels spongy to walk on, it’s a good sign there’s a mole cricket problem. You can control them with Efekto Plant Protector.
- Is your lawn looking dull and dreary? Get it looking great for summer by applying Wonder Lawn & Leaf or fertilawn both products are found at our nursery.
- If you are struggling to get that pristine lawn without weeds, Efekto No Weed Lawn RTU is the product for you.
- Is your lawn disappearing in patches you may have harvester termites, treat it with Kamikaze or Cypermethrin 200 EC.
Attract our feathered friends
Birds will enjoy a little splash in a shallow birdbath during the heat of the day. It is also a source of drinking water for them. Keep it clean and filled up with fresh water. Continue feeding our feathered friends. Tuingenoot has a large selection of birdfeeders, birdbaths and food of all kinds.