Water Plants
Pond plants play a large role in keeping a balance of beneficial nutrients, providing oxygen, natural filtration, and shade, and also prohibiting the growth of algae. Aquatic plants limit algae growth by providing shade that blocks excess sunlight, which limits the photosynthesis of algae
Below are our top 3 picks of Water Plants
is a family of flowering plants, commonly called water lilies. They live as rhizomatous aquatic herbs in temperate and tropical climates around the world. The family contains five genera with about 70 known species.
From R140
are semi-aquatic plants often referred to as bog or marginal plants. As a colorful flowering plant, the water iris makes an attractive backdrop for any goldfish pond. When planted in the shallow margins, the foliage keeps pond predators away. Water iris plants are known to be one of the best aquatic plants to remove toxins from the water. Yellow flag irises are often used in the sewage treatment process to assist in removing metals from the water. The larger the root structure, the more toxins that can be taken out of the water.
From R100
Red Bog Lily. This little Crinum carries the name of the Menehune, the diminutive race of people who inhabit the deep jungles of Hawaii. It has deep burgundy-red leaves, also producing deep pinkish-red flowers on dark red stalks. Flowers will be produced from early summer to fall. It has the unusual characteristic of being able to grow in water up to 30cm deep, but it will also grow on high ground with adequate moisture.
From R98
We stock a wide variety of trees, please pop in for a visit or gives us a call to find out more about the various species of water plants we have on offer.
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